Based on your foreign tax card, our company will do a free-of-charge calculation. You’ll get all the information on our commission, as well as an estimated amount of the prepaid tax, which can be deducted from the foreign tax office. Our free estimation does not oblige you in any way. Thanks to our estimation, clients receive information as to whether they should apply or not.
If after our calculation you decide to apply for a tax return, our company will fill out the application and send it to the respective institutions. You don’t have to concern yourself about the application, because our company, as your representative, will do all the necessary work. Our provision is paid at once for the complete service.
After a period of 3-5 months, depending on the country, you’ll receive your tax return directly onto your bank account or in the form of a cheque. All payments are confirmed as a tax approval by the foreign tax office, thereby ensuring transparency for the procedure. Remember, we track your application until your funds reach your bank account.